Thursday, March 16, 2017

Gary; Dorian my son informed our families of your fathers passing through the veil. You may or may not remember us. We helped your Father behind the scenes with mailings and some other activities. The Thompson families send our condolences to you and to all of the Sonmore family. 

Tuesday I took one of Clayt's books to a friend to read and after heard the news of his passing. We missed greatly not seeing Clayt over the past few years and missed not seeing you folks from time to time. I hope to see some of you in Minneapolis on the 27th. God gave us his best when we were introduced to Clayt and had the privilege to work with him during the last years of his ministry. I thank Lord Jesus for the revelations from Clayt and most of all the warm love shown us from him and your family.

Love in Christ,
David and Nadine Thompson
parents of Jeremy and Dorian Thompson