Wednesday, March 15, 2017

In Memory of Clayton Sonmore

Dear Brother Gary,

We received with mixed feelings early hours of this morning the passage of our great friend, dear brother, fellow soldier, and father in the Lord Brother Clayton Sonmore.

Mixed feelings because we rejoice that a great soldier of the cross and a great General finished well. He fought a good fight, ran a great race, and kept the faith.

Brother Clayt stood out in this generation as a gallant and fiery prophet. He declared the truth of God's word no matter who's ox is gored.

We will miss brother Sonmore. We are deeply pained by his absence in the body at a time when the true word of the Lord and the true prophets of the Lord are scarce in the land. We are consoled however by the great legacies he left behind. The great and unadulterated truths he penciled in the books he wrote will continue to ring forth in the church for many generations to come. What a rare prophet he was.

We, in Nigeria will never forget his visit to Nigeria many years back. His book "Show the House to the House" among many others sparked such huge fires in our hearts that snowballed across the country and that fire is still burning till date.

Brother Clayt lived with, and carried a heavy burden for the restoration of the church. He was an embodiment of humility, and many times he ministered with great agony and tears as he brought forth the word of the Lord for the church.

We salute this great prophet of our time. May God in his infinite mercies raise for us many more Clayton Sonmores in this midnight hour to sound the alarm and to blow the trumpet.

We commiserate with the entire Sonmore family particularly our brother Gary. We thank God that God gave us Clayton Sonmore through your family.

We will continue to draw strength from the legacies of this great prophet until we see him again on the resurrection Morning.

Fred Adegoke
(Ilorin, Nigeria)